Mel Raoul – Founder, Consultant & Coach
Hey! I'm Mel and I'm all about making life easier for you, the busy manager and leader.
Have you ever felt like there's a weight on your shoulders? Like you're always putting out fires and having to do everything yourself? Like managing people is a headache and source of major stress and sleepless nights?
Here's the deal:
I believe that managing people doesn't need to feel like you're treading water, or the captain of a sinking ship. Another reality is possible. One where your team is aligned and working together. Where your employees meet deadlines and produce great results, and your best people stay. Where you can go on vacation and know that when you come back the ship will be afloat and moving in the right direction.
I have a fancy MPA degree in Management from New York University (NYU) and I've taught graduate-level courses in Strategic Management and team building as an Adjunct Professor. I've coached managers at organizations and companies large and small in how to excel in their leadership and management responsibilities, and to develop strategic plans that are actually implemented. I've seen firsthand how transformative coaching and training can be in developing awesome people practices and cultures that reinforce excellence, constant improvement and happy work places.
And the best part? I'll cut through the fluff. You'll learn to communicate clearly and openly with your team, hire rockstars, deal with performance issues, keep your employees (and yourself!) accountable and happy, solve small problems before they become big ones, and see managing your team as one of the most enjoyable parts of job.
Instead of slogging away – only to see the same organizational and people problems come up over and over again – my clients chose to invest in learning how to manage people in a way that doesn't suck or suck the life out of them.
Get in touch! Call 347-925-4413 or email